Saturday 19 May 2007

日本的契りのかわし方/Japanese style wedding

This is the second wedding I have been to in this month only !!
Japanese traditional wedding is such a hassle! ( but so much fun)
A wedding is absolutely formal matter and there are so many unspoken rules, which you are supposed to know as an adult common decency. No one actually tells you.
First of all, money is big issue.
You have to consider how much you are supposed to "gift" for the reception.
It depends on how close to the couple or how much actually the wedding SEEMS to cost.
You may not know how much but if you are adult enough you have to guess from the number of people invited and how famous the wedding reception hall is. You can certainly know the grade of the reception by the name.

Usual gift money range should be around 20000yen-30000yen.
There is another rule when you choose to gift 20000yen instead of 30000yen due to your financial situation.
Let's think about the number of 2! "2" can be divided. You have to choose the number you cannot divide. Dividing, or splitting reminds, "divorce", so when you gift 20000yen, you have to choose one 10000yen bill plus 2 bills of 5000yen, instead of 2 bills of 10000yen.
I need a get a manual book for sure to know all these rules. You need a written manual or instruction to be a true grown-ups in this country I guess.

No body really told you something like above. This is a fact that you are supposed to know as you grow. That is the most difficult part.
Otherwise people see you as a sad person or something, but they will still not tell you. These rules draw border.
I do not even remember who I have learned these rules from.

As for the todays wedding,it was authentic Japanese wedding with Shinto style called Shinzen at Meijijingu shrine.
I have never seen this before and I did not know that you were required to drink Sake so many times in the ceremony.
My stomach was so empty and I was so sacred to faint or pass out after chugging Sake every time.
I started to get soooo red and I felt so embarrassed that I looked like a boiled octopus;P

The Shinzen wedding was so simple but done with dignified manner. Not much word spoken but it definitely worth to see. We are prohibited to take photo unfortunately.
Our group was surrounded by the foreigners and taken bunch of photos.
Lot of couples chooses a western style wedding even though they are nothing to do with Christianity. I am nothing against of that because it is personal choice.

We do not have particular religion. we are believer of everything for our convenience!
That is very interesting part of Japanese mentality.
New year we become hardcore believer of Shintoism or Buddhism. We struggle to manage our schedule from new years day to 3rd of January because you should not postpone it after 3rd maybe we go to hell or something...

You can choose either temple or shrine you like. It depends on your mood and your feeling of the day.

On Christmas day we turn to be a very serious Christian and start worshipping blindly Jesus, but most people do not even know who the hell actually Jesus is. The funnier thing is Christmas is a day to make a love for couples.

And for a wedding, lot of couples again become serious Christian even though 100% of couples already broke the promise of abstinence before marriage.
The priest is not even real they are hired as a part timer on weekends with fake beard and bible. (I am sorry I actually do not know about the bible but.. I believe it is fake) so that they can be the closest image of what the most of Japanese people would imagine when they hear the term of the Priest (of course a sect does not matter to Japanese) the matter is a "style."

Do not take me wrong. I enjoy all kind of weddings. I am just very interested in Japanese people's flexibility.

Pls enjoy some photos from today’s impressive weddings.
Congratulation Naomi and Toshiyuki!!!!
Thank you for inviting and letting me share wonderful memory with you guys.

I am wondering what my mood would be like for my far future wedding;)

Good night!



結婚式ともなれば、だいたいの人がキリスト教式。いや、あの牧師たちはアルバイトで実は日本語がぺらぺらなのに、それっぽく聞こえるようにわざとアクセントをつけた日本語ではなしてるって噂 ”ヤメルトキモースコヤカナトキモーオタガイヲ”(てなかんじかな)



Anonymous said...

しかもランチ中 笑)

東京は 放置プレイの街


DUDE said...

Hey I had one of those...

ayawomasho said...

nick I know ! I wish I could have seen those.
I was just so impressed with the wedding style.
It must be very memorable for you;)


he he it was nice to see you here on my blog.
I forgot to say good bye. it must be our last time to work with you, you know??
well please invite me when you get married!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to my friend's wedding in the U.S next month.

ayawomasho said...

Tak Where in U.S. you are you going to???
Take care and have fun, ne?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to Calfornia.

sampler said...

I was interested to read your comments about Japanese people picking and choosing religion. Why do you think they are just interested in the style like you said?
Do you think Christian-style weddings help Japanese understand Christianity?

Anonymous said...

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